Grade/Designation Academic Qualifications and/or Requirements Experience in Training Annual Fee (HKD)
Fellow*(FITP) By invitation only 10 years in senior position 300
Member*(MITP) Diploma or degree in HR/Training Management; or equivalent 3 years 200
Associate*(AMITP) Certificate in HR/Training; or equivalent Actively engaged in HR/Training 150
Student Full-time students undertaking HR/Training related studies N/A Free
Affiliate Individuals interested in maintaining contacts with ITP N/A 100
Corporate Member By invitation only (maximum 5 nominees eligible to join all the Institute's events) N/A 1,500
Retired Member Retain previous designation if age over 65 with not less than 5 years' membership and not in full-time employment N/A Free

Note: Final admission decision rests with the Executive Committee of ITP.
*Designation of Professional Member

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Membership Application Form (PDF format)

Membership Renewal / Updating Form


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